How A Five-Year-Old Boy Lost His Life Due To An Unpopular YouTube Challenge

Mary Holman
2 min readFeb 23, 2024

The content creators are now possibly facing time behind bars.

Matteo Di PietroPhoto byThe Boarderline/ Instagram

It was all supposed to be fun and games when YouTuber Matteo Di Pietro (20) and his four friends got into a hired Lamborghini SUV to complete a Mr. Beast YouTube challenge.

The challenge was to drive for 50 hours straight without stopping for any refreshments or adhering to all road rules.

Unfortunately, in the midst of it, Matteo, who was behind the wheel, crashed into a small family car that had a mom and her two kids ages 4 and 5 while attempting to overtake another car. The impact was so great that it instantly resulted in the death of the 5-year-old boy.

Commenting on the issue, one witness said, “I couldn’t get too close because it was a gruesome scene; however, within a few minutes, many people came, and there was a boy who was giving first aid to the child, trying to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.”

Though the little boy was pronounced dead on the scene, the mother and the little sister survived despite the physical and emotional damage that had been done.

The mother couldn’t even comment on the issue, as her heart was aching and she couldn’t believe her son was gone.

