Memphis Mother Arrested After Pictures of 5-Year-Old Daughter Waxing Nude Adults Goes Viral

Mary Holman
2 min readFeb 23, 2024

A young mother might be facing time behind bars after an Instagram post revealed the unthinkable about her 5-year-old daughter.

Jasmine MossPhoto byMemphis Police

According to Memphis Police, since Thursday, the 15th, they had been receiving numerous calls and complaints about Miss Jasmine’s social media posts of her bragging about her 5-year-old daughter waxing naked women’s private parts and bringing a lot of cash into the home.

She told her followers that not only was she teaching her daughter how to be independent, but the little child was also helping to make her life easier.

“When I say I’m passing down Deeds & LLCCs to my creations, I mean that. Ms. Khloe’ did her thing today. She literally helped me wax 24 clients starting from 7:25–5 pm; she made a total of $744, and I am going to put the money towards whatever her future dreams and aspirations are.”

However, they never made any arrests until today. She was charged with child neglect and child abuse, and her hearing would be held tomorrow (February 21st). Her business only operated at her home on the 4000 block of Glenbrook Street and we hope the police have taken the child somewhere safe.

What do you think happened here, and who do you think is wrong? I think both the mom and the clients are wrong. The clients should have reported this to the police, as it seems it’s been happening for a long time.


Previously published by me on Newsbreak

