Middle School Teacher Faces Up To 50 Years In Prison For Having Sexual Relations With A Minor

Her DNA was even found at the 14-year-old boy’s home

Mary Holman
2 min readFeb 13, 2024
HENRICO COUNTY POLICE — Image Courtesy of Author

According to court documents, the abuse/ affair between Hungary Creek Middle School teacher Megan Pauline Jordan (25) and her student began in early 2022, just a year after her marriage.

Students began noticing the unhealthy relationship between the two, as Mrs. Jordan would flirt and wink even in between classes. The unidentified young boy would also not do his work, and Mrs. Jordan wouldn’t “bat an eye.”.

“I noticed subtle flirting and teasing. The tension between them was insane.”

Mrs Jordan was arrested in late June last year after students decided to speak up. ‘We are always asking people if they see something unusual or not quite right to say something.”

‘Because of their efforts, this predator is off the streets, out of our schools, and will be held accountable for her actions,” said the presiding officer.

Upon investigation, it was revealed that Mrs. Jordan had even gone to the boy’s house at night on several occasions to have sex with him. The parents said they couldn’t even imagine the audacity.



Mary Holman
Mary Holman

Written by Mary Holman

Full-time true crime writer. Let's connect at marylonner123@gmail.com

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