Woman Who Stabbed Her Boyfriend 108 Times Sentenced To Only Probation And Community Service

Mary Holman
2 min readFeb 23, 2024

The court ruled that Bryn Spejcher (36) didn’t mean to kill her boyfriend but was under the influence of marijuana.


A California woman who stabbed her boyfriend more than a hundred times in May 2018 was last month sentenced to only two years of probation and 100 hours of community service.

The court ruled that her actions were a result of cannabis-induced psychosis, a diagnosis that is given when hallucinations or delusions materialize shortly after consuming cannabis.

According to court documents, on that fateful day, Spejcher and her boyfriend Chad O’Melia (26) were at his apartment having a good time before the worst happened.

Unfortunately, right before the incident, Chad allegedly intimidated and bullied Spejcher into taking the last joint, not knowing it was going to be the end of his life.

As soon as she took it, she began experiencing “unknown hallucinations” that led to her stabbing him more than a hundred times before turning the knife to herself and calling the police.

Although the police arrived promptly and tried to save him, it was already too late; Chad was gone, but Spejcher still had a knife to herself.

